Danville Chadbourne: New Works in Wood

Danville Chadbourne:

New Works In Wood

Danville Chadbourne’s work is concerned with the evocation of spiritual or primal states, using simple organic forms, often in suggestive conjunctions that elaborate metaphorically primary issues of ambiguity, morality, accident/intention, contradiction or even existence.


Primarily a sculptor in clay and wood, Texas artist Danville Chadbourne works in a range of materials and in both two- and three-dimensional formats. Over the years he has created a complex body of work unified by a primal iconography and artifact-like quality emerging from a very personal and consistent formal, aesthetic, and philosophical sense. He has lived in San Antonio, Texas since 1979.


The Irving Arts Center exhibition features over 50 works in wood by Chadbourne, including large free-standing and suspended sculptures as well as smaller scale pedestal and wall-mounted pieces. Of the works selected for the exhibition, the artist says that they “are the result of my concentration on working with wood over the past few years. Many pieces were started years ago and only recently completed. Others were developed and competed in a relatively short time.”


Devoting the bulk of his working time in recent years to wood, Danville writes about his preoccupation with the material: “To me, it is one of the most magical substances on earth, in all of its manifestations. The plant world from which it comes is critical to our survival on this planet, probably more than most people realize. As an art making material it is also one of the most beautiful and satisfying to work with. It is one of my most direct connections to the natural world.”


On exhibit in the Arts Center’s Main Gallery, September 10 – November 12, 2022.


Danville Chadbourne: New Works in Wood has been organized by the Irving Arts Center. A catalogue accompanies the exhibition.

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Danville Chadbourne

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